Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I already have something else to send you lol
Response: I'm so glad you liked everything! I had a lot of fun creating it, and appreciate your willingness to receive weird mail. Can't wait to get yours!
Response: Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for taking part and helping make the swap fun!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the sticker idea! I always feel a little extra, but I have fun decorating for swaps like this. Glad you liked the words as well! Yay!
Response: I am so sorry I saddled you with that subject matter, but I had to get that Furby to someone. Thank you for receiving Him. I am glad he delivered smiles, that says to me that I'll eventually have to make him again haha.
Response: I received the Bigfoot card from someone recently and actually told them how excited I was to pass it along because I knew someone would love it! I have already crossed path with a yeti and he had no choice but to meander on
Response: Ho ho ho, my friend. You have two envelopes with one flat item each being sent out tomorrow!
Response: Looking forward to receiving yours!
Response: You can easily get the base game of Civ VI for like $5 when they're running a sale, which is more often than not. I am really glad you enjoyed the postcard! Hope to swap again :)
Response: I am glad you liked it and that it arrived safely! I had a lot of fun picking stuff to send with the journal that I thought would round it out. Hopefully you got the picture! Lol. Feel free to write back or send anything if you ever feel so inclined.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it, and glad it arrived safely internationally! Get very anxious with these handmade postcards lately. "Misty" -- that is the perfect word, I love it. I will likely host this exact swap again when things calm down for me and hope you join!
Response: I am so glad it was so well received and that it arrived safely! :) your kind words mean a lot, thank you!
Response: I am so glad you liked all of it and that it actually made it, yay!!! I'm in my crocodile era in case you couldn't tell. Thank you for the heart!
Response: This swap contained two full sticker sheets (one of whales), a vintage Scotland postcard, a whale postcard, a vintage postcard of scenery in China, 4 samples of my favorite washi (one I'm running extremely low on), an envelope with several loose profile-based stickers, two forever stamps, and 3 postcard stamps. It also had tracking and was marked delivered (420956169500106615914225456067). Please let me know if you believe it was misdelivered to a neighbor or similar. Some of these were items I only parted with because they were profile based and I'm displeased if they did not arrive; I would still resend 4 profile based items if necessary -- I obviously tried to make this package special and at least want you to have something memorable even if it got lost, though obviously I can no longer resend sticker sheets, washi, and postcards I no longer have
Response: I am so pleased you liked the bald little guy and the washi! I had a lot of fun getting creative with the presentation of this one. Thank you for the heart!1
Response: I have 4 ratings from you and I am not going to dignify any with a real response (no for real, thank you for always being so kind, u r singular as they say in some movies)
Response: This has been one of my favorite swaps in a long time! Thank you for swappin' with me!
Response: I'm so pleased that you liked it and that it arrived safe! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Sorry I took so long to respond! I was so pleased to put together your package. Your profile also inspired me to pull out my organic chemistry/hex grid paper to make the face of the envelope. Your rating made my day when you left it!
Response: I can't believe I have to say this, but please!!! Send as many mold spores as possible!!! Thank you very much for the kind and thoughtful ratings. I will continue to harass you with Osiris-REx and closeups of mold as long as GWB keeps appearing in my mailbox. Really proud of this postcard for surviving his trek btw!
Response: I wonder if people ever look at our pages and think we're laundering ratings. That might actually be preferable to how sad we are lmao
Response: "So, you headed my way?" - Azizi
Response: I am glad you liked him and ty for the heart! I definitely could've done better on the indeterminate animal going into the spaceship, but alas, I do not keep any type of craft blade in my home. Hopefully his lack of neck isn't too distressing!
Response: Do you even need to ask about Xy? If anything, it's not soon enough!
Response: I'm glad you liked them and ty for the heart! Was a bit unsure on the mammoth imagery, haha. I was honestly pretty unhappy with these despite making 2 and may do a resend with your stamped images now that I understand the assignment a bit better (I received a very cool one and felt embarrassed!)
Response: Thank you so much for the heart! Maybe I will make you a zine -- give me a topic tbh and I'll roll with it!
Response: I'm glad you liked them, thank you for the heart! The envelope especially was a lot of fun :)
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for rating!
Response: You say the nicest things about me and I wonder, man, when is Addie going to realize that I suck LMAO. I'm so glad we're exchanging mail again, thank you for the kind rating and enjoy your mints! Ily! <3
Response: This was such a kind rating, thank you! I was pretty anxious that my writing style may not be well-received, so to say this is a relief is an understatement. I'm also glad that no pried open/crashed their car into the mailbox and stole my letter -- what a tense few days. Here's to swapping again soon!
Response: I am so glad that everything went over so well! I was almost out of my Peanuts washi and was so pleased to have something special to use it for. Thanks so much for the heart, lmk if you'd like to trade more postcards sometime!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm so glad it arrived safely :)
Response: I am so glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart, and I'm keeping you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery <3
Response: This is a really nice rating :( Thank you. <3 I wish he was here, too. He was so tall. Imagine how big his surfboard would be. Imagine him laying down on the board like he's laying on a nest to paddle out to the waves. I wonder if he died being pulled into the undertow and did not have any next of kin. He was brave. One day we will join Him.
Response: The Circle is complete. I was going to write a note that Skedaddle was an extra because it was time for it to "skedaddle" out of my kitchen, but A said I was setting you up for it to be impossible for you to like it lmao. Really it just seems like it doesn't work as a cold brew. Lmk how they all go!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I got those cards from a swap with a UK partner and I've been so hesitant to use them up! Ty for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart and I'm so glad you liked everything! As soon as I saw the guy, I knew I must fold him. I am fortunate that it worked out because I had no idea what I was doing! I love these yokai swaps and hope to see you in future ones!
Response: Thank you for the heart! And it's no problem :) thank YOU for participating! I had a lot of fun making the images and am delighted that you like them, and now have a way to make your own!
Response: Thank you for the heart! It's similar but definitely has some complex flavors, I hope you give it a shot!
Response: I'm so glad, thank you for the heart! I do think He contains Wisdom. So if you ever need advice, don't be afraid to ask Him.
Response: An egret! What an awesome day! I'm so glad you liked the stickers and postcards. Thanks for joining the surprise bird crew!
Response: This made me very happy to hear. I've been reading it daily and I do hope it brings some comfort and inspiration to you! Thank you for the kind note as well ❤️ hugs!
Response: I am so glad you liked them! This was a fun swap and I had a lot of fun making them. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating and heart! I hope you enjoy :)
Response: I am so glad you liked them! I am, of course, going to continue to harass you with AI content. You are lucky Bard/Gemini does not want to generate fiction about Israel Keyes anymore
Response: I'm so glad you liked everything!!! What a nice comment! P.S. - it just hit me that Tailypo is the creature and not a brand, I have no idea wtf I was saying to you, I think I thought you were referring to something else!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart and thank you for participating in my lil' swap! I hope to see you in future rounds!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm glad you liked it :)
Response: Ty for the heart! I love the Hodag and I really hope to get to Rhinelander someday
Response: This is such a sweet comment, thank you. I'm so sorry to hear about your work. It seems like a lot of us are going through a lot right now. I'm glad you liked the quote as well ❤️❤️ glad this swap went to you!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it! It occurred to me while writing that you don't actually know much about my life, which is super weird -- you do now!
Response: Thank you so much for the very kind words, and I'm sorry you went through the same. I agree with everything you've said, and I hope there are legal options by the time I am diagnosed with a terminal illness (should that be how I expire). He did pass last Wednesday and is finally at peace now. Very grateful for that. ❤️
Response: I'm so glad you liked it, thank you for the heart! I'm obsessed with those sandhill crane cards
Response: Glad you liked! :) thank you for rating!
Response: I do too! So glad you liked! :) good to swap again after all this time!
Response: Same! Glad the recipe was well received! :) thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness it arrived! I really do wish I had included more. But next time!
Response: Yay, I'm glad you liked it! You expanded my sticker repertoire and I'm also now collecting clowns :/ thanks a bunch!
Response: Yay, thank you for my first rating of 2024!
Response: This is the sweetest rating ever! There are no words for how excited I am for these to become magnets. You actually inspired me to do shrinky dink magnets for a friend as a housewarming gift... truly a changing day in my life!
Response: I am happy beyond words that Mr Rime tap danced safely all the way to Italy. Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I am happy to hear you liked everything. Enjoy the tea!
Response: Im very happy to hear that you liked it, I had a lot of fun with it! I hope to host more doodle postcards in the future. Thank you for participating and thank you for the heart! Happy Spring!
Response: I'm so happy to hear! Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! ❤️ Hope you make good use of it :)
Response: Ahhh! Let me know if you make progress on it! It was so much fun to write out (and by fun, I mean it hurt my hand really bad but it was worth it!)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! :)
Response: This comment made me so happy to read! I really struggled with how to structure the letter because of all of the blunders in how the case was handled, and I am glad it worked out! I'm definitely obsessed with this case, so feel free to message me if you want any links to videos about it lmao, the Dateline episode on YT is pirated so it's labeled incorrectly (and also really crazily edited, which only adds to the fun I think)
Response: I am so glad this card went to someone else who sent an animal demise card, which is not something I ever thought I'd type, hahaha. Thank you for participating and for the heart!
Response: We'll have to see what happens next time, bwahaha. Thank you for taking part!
Response: You are too kind to me! But I was very happy to be sending to you again :) so glad you liked the yokai. Makes me want to learn the biwa -- or wait 100 years of owning one and let it play for me!
Response: I am so glad you listened to and liked the songs!! IRL is kinda busy right now but I'll be hosting this one again, hopefully I get some recommendations from you in the future! Thank you for rating :)
Response: Yay, I'm so glad you liked them! I had so much fun making the little "case files." Thanks so much for swapping with me, I hope ya learned something new! :)
Response: Thanks so much for hosting! I had so much fun making a couple little modifications to it, and drawing the Garfield. ;) Believe it or not, I hadn't owned crayons for years and had just purchased them for something else. Hope to swap again soon!
Response: Hi Debbie, thank you so much for hosting! This was a fun one. I'm really glad you liked everything and I hope you enjoy the tea!
Response: Thank you for the heart and the kind words! We ended up being able to make it out to thee restaurant, just not on Valentine's Day, so there was a happy ending after all
Response: Yay! I hope you can make good use of everything :) and I'm shocked it arrived so fast! I'm finally getting my backlog of UK mail so I hope to see your part soon!
Response: Yay, I'm glad! Thank you for swapping with me :) I hope you can make good use of everything!
Response: I'm so glad you like them! Jinbesan is one of my favorites. Hopefully they make your future swaps more convenient!
Response: Gosh, what a kind compliment, thank you! I was sooo frustrated by the uneven string tension, but did not trust myself to pull it off again 😅 I love your take on Erawan and definitely relate! Hope to see you in the Harpy ATC :) it was a pleasure swapping!
Response: My secret: art pens with extremely fine tips, ha. And being willing to really hurt my hand! I'm so glad to have you in the group... strange dream!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! Thank you for the rating and the heart (and taking part in my swaps :)). Btw, I am really shocked it arrived to you this quickly -- good to see mail times are normalizing a bit!
Response: Thank you for rating and for the thoughtful email response! I will write back when I have a moment :)
Response: Thank you so much! I had so much fun (and stress, but mostly fun) figuring out how to make it work. Glad they brought you some joy! :)
Response: To be honest, it scared the heck out of me lol. Thank you for the heart and for the thoughtful rating!
Response: I thought you might enjoy Furbies! I'm so glad you liked the letter and everything else! :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the zine! :) Thank you for such a big compliment, it means a lot. And of course re: swapping more. I'm hosting a ton of stuff right now but when I'm done... mwahaha...
Response: So glad you liked, thank you for the heart!
Response: Whoa, I am very surprised to hear -- definitely wasn't expecting that! I am so glad you like them and hoping you're well!@
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed, thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much! I most likely will in the future! Always a pleasure to swap with ya as well!
Response: Thank you so much! Happy 2023, here's to a good one!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the Chicago pictures! I had a lot of fun picking them out. Thanks for joining my swap and have a good one!
Response: Bwahaha, that memo pad was just a random ebay find! And the stickers are on Amazon. Let me know if you know where to find other pharmacy stuff because I'd LOVE to grow that part of my collection! Anyway, I am so pleased that you loved everything! I told you I was gonna have fun putting it together!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I got a wrench thrown in my day to day life not too long after you messaged me back (I'm used to wrenches but this was a big one) but I'm still interested and I'll respond when I'm a bit more settled!
Response: I thought you might! Glad you enjoyed! :)
Response: Thank you for leaving me such a thoughtful and detailed rating! A pleasure to log on to. :) Btw, the cranes are from mechakucha808 on Etsy, highly recommended for washi!@
Response: Yay!! I'm so glad you liked everything! :) Same to you on both accounts!
Response: Yay! I'm so pleased that it arrived safely and that you liked everything! I can't wait to hear back, and same to you :)
Response: You're very klwelcome! Fun fact about the story: it actually takes place in my neighborhood with places I go to. It really was a date with my Karmic interrupted by my stinking TF! Ty for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much :) I'm really looking forward to receiving your card!
Response: Thank you, here's to hoping. Happy 2023, hope your NYE is a good one!
Response: Whoa, WHOA... just because this site is mostly women doesn't mean you can body shame on my profile!
Response: Hehe, I was excited to use the ridiculous mammoth book. Love reading for you! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I am sorry that you know that pain as well, but I'm glad my card went to someone who understands, and glad you're keeping your dad's memory alive as well <3 Thank you for telling me that, it actually means a lot
Response: Thank you for the heart! Despite the Furby photo on my profile, I really do feel that I've outed myself as having an actual problem here lmao. At least I'm existing with that problem in a room full of creepy gremlin owl toys.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart! I really loved everything and had a nice time reflecting on the thoughtfulness, great to have people in your life who really "get" you :)
Response: Aw, I am so glad that the decorations were appreciated! And I'm very happy to hear that your family got you mail supplies! There's few things better than a gift that can fold out into more gifts. Merry Christmas!
Response: Happy holidays! I'm so glad to hear that you liked everything! And that you like Turkish food :) so cool that you visited. Have a good one!
Response: I am really glad you found it useful! Hope you've been well :) ty for rating!
Response: Thank you for dropping by to rate! I will repeat again that I am relieved to never have to make another crop circle in my life. The heart was generous 😉
Response: Yay! It's so good to see a new rating on my profile tbh. Thanks for hosting and helping with the group!
Response: So glad it made it there safe! Thank you for rating!
Response: I am so glad you liked the postcard and enjoyed looking up Vapula! Andras is great, I love the owl/angel/wolf combo. Thank you for the heart! I'll probably be messaging you about some other stuff!
Response: I'm so glad you liked him!! Can you blame him? Ty for rating! <3
Response: Thank you so much for rating! And no worries, it happens lol. I just appreciate that you took the time to come back after all this time!
Response: Honestly, you should actually watch it. The dubbing makes it way easier to pay attention and you've seen Kelly's legs and lived so it won't bother you lol. I really want to find Benny's Video again! Ty for rating and the heart! Ok actually bf told me that we have it on an external HD somewhere, which is good because the DVD is literally $50.
Response: I'm glad the message went over well! It's a shame I couldn't stay longer, but honestly, their approach to life got a bit boring. So glad you liked the design, too! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you found it pertinent! Ty for rating! :)
Response: LMAO, the Wild Thing part may have been a white lie, based on me googling "swamp thing lyrics" over and over and wondering why I couldn't find it. I'm so glad you liked everything and that it arrived safe! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it and I'm very glad it arrived! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yay! I am so happy you liked it! I was so excited when you said that you also like guinea pigs lol, that washi is not often topical!
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: This was such a nice comment to receive, thank you! I was a little worried that I wrote too much, but I ended up needing to research waaay more than I expected to even figure out what was going on! I didn't realize it was THAT important to the UK. I'm glad you liked the postcards, too! I'm hoping to host a similar swap soon and I hope you join!
Response: Yay!! I'm so glad everything arrived safe! Please message me the ghost's name btw lol
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed my Wendigo and the series :) I can't believe I never tried white gel pens until a couple months ago -- too much fun. Thanks so much for participating and thank you for the heart! Hope to swap again!
Response: No need for apologies, I'm just happy that they arrived safely and that you like them! :) They were my first oracle cards and I had so much fun designing both sides. I appreciate the kind comment and the heart! Hope we cross swap paths again!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed the card and the swap! I really vibed with the quote I got for you, and I'm happy that came across. :) Thank you for the heart, I'll def be hosting this one again!
Response: I think you broke my deck wrt The Empress. I think you also broke the SB algorithm! That, or I'm destined to be your consultant and there's nothing either of us can do about it, LMAO. No but really, I'm so glad you've taken to the site! Thank you for the heart!
Response: This was such a kind and heartwarming response, thank you :) I am very much looking forward to what you send me! Thank you for the heart! <3
Response: I'm so glad! And very honored that Mew has a place in your office :) I've had a lot of fun making Pokemon cards, hope we cross swap paths again! If not, I will def message you for a private swap down the line!
Response: I was really excited to send it to you, and I'm so glad you like it! It was definitely a bit outside of my comfort zone but one of those things I'm really glad I tried :) Thank you for the heart! Aloha!
Response: Yay, I'm so glad you like him! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: He'll yeah. Enjoy, my child.
Response: Thank you for rating! I'm glad you liked it, I had a lot of fun making it and I love sharing that story :)
Response: Thank you so much for rating after all this time.30 dead, 30,000 dead, 30 million dead... to the powers that be, it's unfortunately all the same. Some things transcend borders (well, I guess 30 million dead means more for countries that don't have that population... ha ha).
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yay! So glad you enjoyed them :)
Response: I'm so glad! He normally doesn't iron, honestly, but he's been working from home most days and was finally called in for an in-person meeting. The Hodag has a hard time dressing up just for himself, so he likes going into the office. I can't say I agree, but I respect his way of being.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun making the prison bottle, haha
Response: This was such a sweet rating, thank you! I'm so looking forward to doing another similar swap in the future! <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I always regret using glossier vs matte postcards for drawings because the color comes out so bland, but this one felt too topical to not use lol. Ty for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind comment and the heart! I wasn't sure about the concept, so I am glad it went over well. It was a lot harder to draw a dragon at my skill level than I reckoned it would be!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! :) I had fun decorating. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Aww! I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, but both of my parents grew up in Chicago. As soon as I was 17 (starting college), I was right back in the city they worked so hard to leave! It's been half my life now, mostly in the neighborhood I visited my grandma in every weekend as a kid. I'm about ready to tap out, but I'm so grateful for my time here and don't know who I'd be without it. So glad you liked the swap!
Response: This was such a nice rating, thank you <3 checking the message!
Response: Yay! I was worried the decorations would peel off, so glad it arrived intact and that you liked it!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! My partner pointed out that the guy's reaction never changes. He's drunk and open-minded, which is more than a lot of us can say. My brain admittedly almost melted while trying to figure the prompt out, but I think it emerged better. Stronger. More willing to make controversial ATCs. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ahhhh I'm so glad you like them! I was really grateful to be challenged to write out their stories. I'm so excited to hear back! Thank you for being a patient and awesome pen pal, I was actually able to begin working on other letters I've been slacking on because the vibe was so low-key. Ttys! I have more to say but I'll wait lol
Response: I was so excited to see this one arrived and I am very very glad you like it! It actually gave me the itch to make bracelets again, I had too much fun. Thanks for the heart and enjoy the bracelet! :)
Response: I am so glad you liked the Jirachi! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm so relieved you liked the owl! I practiced several times (in pencil) on notebook paper, then proceeded to draw one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. 😭 I hope the IT guys like the gremlin! I don't remember all the washi I sent, but the ghost Pokemon type is from GearCrafts on Etsy. They have sooooo much cute ghost type stuff. Hope you and yours are well and thank you for such a kind rating! :)
Response: I'm so glad that the care was obvious! This one was particularly challenging, but definitely very interesting. I'm looking forward to talking to you a bit more when you have had the chance to read it over a few times, and I'll respond to you soon. Thanks for the heart! :)
Response: Thanks for the rating. Hey, at least I can say I tried!
Response: I was honestly pretty shocked to find out that medical experimentation was happening that early in camps. I really enjoyed learning a bit more about the colonization of Africa, definitely a blind spot for me and I'm glad you found it interesting. Glad you liked the goodies too; you made my life easier by picking them! Haha. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: No worries, and thanks for the heart! King penguin chicks always cheer me up, so I'm glad they did the same for you!
Response: Glad everything arrived ok! Hope you like it! :)
Response: Yeah, it seems like it's getting crazy everywhere lately! I'm just very big into statistics, lol. I am glad you like the extras. You have no idea how many times I practiced drawing the wing on that shuttle with it always looking wrong until I just decided, "You know what, I'm just going to draw some lines in the somewhat correct place, the human mind is a beautiful thing and will fill in what it's supposed to be " sounds like it came close enough!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, I think it's similar to that... I wish I understood it a bit more. There are definitely rational explanations for its occurrence when people are alive, but it's a bit more difficult to construct theories (though not impossible, they just can't really be tested) when they're not. There's a transpersonal element to it, I think. Sorry for the rant! I hadn't thought about these experiences in a while.
Response: Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! I wish I kept the notepad file with the haikus because those really struck at a moment of inspiration lol. Now I can't remember them at all.
Response: You will get tired of getting partnered with me soon I promise lol
Response: I'm so glad you like him! Collaging with cut up paper is one of my favorite ways to create. As for the background, I unfortunately don't know -- I won it as part of a RAK that included a lot of really cool ATC backgrounds from @jjhere. I'd love to get more paints etc so I can make similar!
Response: I'm glad you were my partner, too! A nice surprise for a swap in this series. Unfortunately it does appear that the Egyptians were often h*rny on main
Response: I am so glad you liked everything! I noticed you didn't mention the very special ATC I sent, but maybe it's because it overshadowed everything else. I also know I sent you a sample of washi you bought for me but I noticed it wasn't in your collection so I hope that wasn't weird! Yay more private swaps soon pls!
Response: I was so nervous to send this one! I'm really glad you liked it :) hopefully I get my own copy of "how to draw hands" soon
Response: I'm glad Anubis made it there safely and that you like him! And the scrapbook paper! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked them! I had a lot of fun with them, thanks for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for rating! Glad you liked Gary :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! :) I hope you are you today!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! I'm glad you liked the kings!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating and the heart! I am glad it arrived safe :)
Response: I'm so glad we did this swap! Hopefully we can think of another fun thing to do
Response: Thanks, I do my best!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! I think the best way to explore an area is to first lock on to a coffee shop as if you are a Terminator, caffeinate, then head out to see the rest! The Japanese gardens limiting visitors is so cool, seems so serene... and your dog is adorable. The trees here are very different, so your neck of the woods (literally) is always breathtaking.
Response: I was so happy with that one! I'm glad you liked it, too. Thank you for such a kind rating and the heart. I hope we cross paths in swapland again!
Response: That's such a compliment, thank you! I'm so glad you liked them. :) Thank you for the nice rating and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I hope you make good use of the Haku washi :) thanks for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! It was really fun to make the background. I have some future cards in the works that were inspired by some elements I saw from yours so I do hope we get partnered! Thank you for the heart and see ya in the swaps!
Response: Thank you! Not yet unfortunately, but hopefully soon!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yeah, I signed up wanting to write about something more interesting, but I realized most of my really odd ones require more context than a postcard can handle. I still want to know what a word modifier is!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! I've signed a non-disclosure agreement so I can't really reply to some of what you said, but hey, if it's good advice then go for it! ;) Haha no but really, it was a pleasure to read for you. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm so glad it was a good experience! I hope you keep being active here on the 'bot. Thanks for the heart!! Definitely pick up The Hierophant!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! I love sharing info about my favorite bird 😁 I was afraid you wouldn't like it because it's not "pretty" but scavengers really do so much for the planet! Thank you so much for the very kind rating and the heart. :)
Response: Ahhh, I'm so relieved that you liked everything! I was unnecessarily stressed about this swap not being good enough and now that you've rated me, I can enjoy my weekend lol. It means a lot that you like my drawings! And the stickers! I know nothing about Phish so I just kinda guessed so that's especially exciting. Man I am so happy that you're happy! Hope to swap again soon! Btw avoid looking at the envelope in direct sunlight, I learned that the hard way and paid the price
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm glad you like them and hope you get good use out of them :) I had a lot of fun picking both my favorites and stuff I thought you'd specifically like
Response: I'm so glad you liked him! He was so much fun to draw (and so was the extremely outdated computer!). Just don't let him know your passwords!
Response: Thanks for rating! I actually have only been to one country other than the US (Turkiye), but I did play the alto sax for a few years when I was a kid. I love meeting people from all sorts of places (and trying the food they have to offer), but I don't really love being trapped in a tube above the ocean for hours. Maybe later in life I'll have the money and will to go see some historical sites.
Response: Thank you! Glad you got this swap sorted out!
Response: Furby... disguised as a bunny? It maybe came out a bit cartoonist, but I sent you an ATC referenced from a photo of a real-life bunny. I guess I can't complain if a Furby slipped in there somehow, but it is weird. ;) Glad you liked it!
Response: Hey, you're in good company! I haven't either lol
Response: Thank you for the rating! This was a fun swap, even if He made an appearance!
Response: I'm glad you liked them! Honestly that made me realize I didn't know how to draw succulents AT ALL, but I was trying to do everything in pen without sketching it in pencil first even though I don't think that was actually part of the challenge? So I'm glad it was passable! Thank you for the rating and for hosting!
Response: I'm so glad! I am going to keep annoying you with periodic sends, so be careful with too much positive feedback haha
Response: Yay, I'm glad you liked them! I've played a lot with Neural Blender in the past and I've found that I love how it interprets longer or more abstract prompts -- it has a really interesting "mind." I'm sending out your art challenge swap tomorrow btw!
Response: Oh, I'm glad she wasn't lost! I actually prefer the newer one I made lol, it's colored better. Oh well! Thank you!
Response: Yay, glad you liked! I'm remaking Baba Yaga currently because I'm assuming the worst, but we'll see!
Response: I am so glad you liked them! This swap was so fun, I love seeing what neural blender comes up with haha. Ty for the heart!
Response: Thank you for hosting and for the kind rating! I'm glad you liked them!
Response: Glad you liked him! ^_^ I had so much fun, I might host this swap again!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Sorry for the messy washi, I got paranoid about the rain!
Response: I wish it still did for me! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I really spent a lot of time on it :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart! :)
Response: Thank you for the kind words and the heart. :) I'm glad you enjoyed!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed everything and that you plan on displaying it. I had actually never read Desiderata right now, and I appreciate you sharing it with me. Definitely saving that one. Thank you for participating in my swap as well!
Response: So I was right, everyone likes that song lol. Thank you for the heart and the kind words!
Response: Thank you for rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart! No luck for me, either... better luck to us next time!
Response: Thank you! I hope you've been feeling better!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the postcard, hahaha. I had a feeling you might! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart and nice conmenr! And these deco swaps are really fun, thank you for hosting them. I'm hoping to step up my deco game a bit in the next one I join, hopefully I actually succeed!
Response: I tried including some I thought would be to your liking, so I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! I'm glad you enjoyed!
Response: Thank you!! I'm glad you liked them! :)
Response: You're welcome! :) Have a great day and thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for rating!
Response: Glad you enjoyed! Ty for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: <3! Glad it arrived safe, thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. You have brought a smile to my face as well! Happy mailings to you!!!
Response: I was so excited that I had a card that fit one of your themes! Glad you enjoyed :)
Response: Thank you! "I'm impressed with your knowledge about birds" is probably the highest compliment I could receive, believe it or not.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for hosting!
Response: You're welcome!! I just checked my buy history and unfortunately the shop no longer exists, but it was an Etsy store called PolymerNai. Other Etsy shops do have similar though!
Response: !!! Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and that I didn't come off too weird (lol). Looking forward to hearing from you.
Response: !!! This response brought such a smile to my face. Your package was the first craft swap I have done in literal years and I was nervous that you wouldn't like it! I actually just purchased some blank ATCs, so... I have a couple big things to catch up on, but I will message you ideas soon!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you! Off topic, your username made me laugh a lot.
Response: Thanks! I just mailed you a letter for "pen pal wanted!!!!" today. Hope you like it!