Swap-bot Time: March 14, 2025 9:03 pm


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Comment: Thank you! Sorry about rating so late.
Response: you are very gracious. i forgot that that was public NOW I leave others...
scrappnswapr rated for Altered Cigar Box Swap #2 on Sep 18, 2011
Comment: 9/26/11 I will not be rude about commenting back to your so called defense. You did email me, once, and it was 2 days after the swap deadline. I don't know how you thought you emailed many times, when it was only once. I am reporting you to Rachel and hopefully she will agree with not just me, but other swappers who have had to deal with you. I never said I was a Jesus hater, so where you got that, only you would know. I am very spiritual, and know that He died for me and my sins, so if this somehow surprises, you, then so be it. Just so all swappers are clear, here is the message she emailed me, which completely contradicts with what she is saying: lindachartier to me show details Sep 4 yeni i am late it is almost done,I did not expect a storm, so much company, for so long . My company got stuck here for 2 weeks instead of one. Then My cousin and his wife and 2 small children were here every night, many homes lost Electric for almost a week, even the food stores were closed,as the food went rotten and they needed to await electricity and new stock. This is the truth,I hope you understand. I know YOU DO NOT WANT CHRISTIAN ANYTHING, but like all other spirituality, and evil spirited things....I cannot make evil art...... will not make anything representing unGodly things....sorry. I hope you enjoy what I am creating, I try to do good work.....and take my swap seriously. It will be on its way tomorrow ,or Tuesday.......I hope this is ok linda If I you try to say that I made this up, then I will bring up a screenprint of your email to me just so there won't be any doubts. Also, I chose not to respond to your email since you did mention that you were sending on the 6th and that you were working on it. That was sufficient update for me. But when that specific date passed, and you chose not to update, and not let me know what your status was, then what was I supposed to do. I chose to leave your rant on my profile, knowing full well that you were already planning on not sending, and this concern was sent to the coordinator of the swap. Call it a gut feeling, but I am a good judge of character, and not once did I ever called you a flaker. I don't appreciate liars, and I am sure your God does not either. Any questions, send them my way, I will be glad to update and answer any, but DO NOT LET THIS PERSON JOIN YOUR SWAPS, especially if they are for big items... If this doesn't convince you then why would you still lie about the cigar box on the comments section of the swap???? Oh, and what the heck do my KIDS HAVE TO DO WITH THIS????
Response: i am not here to be imposed upon.....others "problems" likes and dislikes i thought are for . actual likes dislikes TO say no religious "might cost me a heart' yet still ....say you are a open mind , AND later YOU spirtiual you" is not BELIEVEING ??? this is a futile FOOLISH STATEMENT! WHAT IGNORANCE TO SAY...I know" yet cost me a heart????Bizzare world? you say you know he died for you'?????? UNDERSTAND ME..... what I know.....Is not allways what I believe ...............SO I SAY TO YOU I do KNOW AND BELIEVE IN IN JESUS CHRIST ' so TO CLAIM anything else makes me cringe...........like dont send anything yet you enjoy scareing your babies? THIS IS A BIZZARE WORLD IN .....INSIDIOUS ALLIANCE WITHIN ITS OWN THOUGHT LESS-SELFISH DISTORTED BELIEFFS.......... IT MAKES ME CRINGE....... I WILL NOT COMPRAMISE OR CHANGE MY FACTS: I BELIVE IN JESUS,I KNOW I AM NOT PERFECT,I DO AND SAY WHAT I MEAN,IM A FAILABLE ENTITY....STUCK IN CORUPTION OF THOSE WHO FEEL THEY HAVE A RIGHT.......DO WHAT YOU WANT' PLEASE go ahead....just do it......keep it to yourself and spare me your demise' You should have seen the BOX I MADE YOU! HAND HONED COPPER HINGES MY FIRST TRY EVER....I will give to some one else..your not getting a ounce of me....... i am busy...and mean no one harm... Art can not be contorted forced or demanded IF YOU ARE NOT Ok with Jesus Im not OK AT ALL I am a perpetual changing human personaly I have been less than INSPIRED Knowing how OPEN MINDED YOU ARE........you choose not to respond to my contacting you .....you enjoy adding to your flaker list si I DECIDED why bother..........................that is fine,despite emailing you many times,updated you,I am very LATE.BUT U KNOW WHAT...IM DONE with you JESUS HATER anyway..I made copper hinges by hand and just got stuck since I read your profile,reglios object will cost me a heart,SMALL PRICE TO PAY' JESUS PAID IT ALL.....YET you say your open minded and LOVE TO LEARN? THIS IS A OXYMORONIC STATEMENT, YOU EMBRACE EVIL NASTY CRAP and yet MY CREATOR means' you dont AGREE WELL LET THIS BE YOUR LESSON FOR TODAY....you missed out on a really good Box. It was going out tommrow.I feel sorry for your kids now or future, eat less and love more.
lorootaku rated for Graphic Novel Zine on Aug 24, 2011
Comment: Thank you! The zine was wonderful and I liked the extras!
Response: glad it was ok...I HAD FUN AND MADe a bunch before sending you yours.....it was a little weird hu?
Lorivintage55 rated for QUICK ATC swap #28 on Jul 29, 2011
Comment: If I could rate you a 10 and give you more hearts I would. I adore your ATCs...expecially the smoking one......that's me when I was younger (only cos I have short hair now LOL). And all the extra little goodies are so fun, thank you so much. I'm sorry you suffer depression as I do...I even take medication and it doesn't seem to help the depression, only the anxiety :( I guess that's better than nothing huh? Do keep in touch! Hugssssssss, Lori
Response: I am very happy that you enjoyed the little funny I did about your 'explanation for smoke! I found it frank and fresh. And could not help but share the enthusiasm it gave me' If only more people said things they mean and not what others want to hear......WE would be so less disappointed...I THANK YOU! as for the fun extras, I always LOVE TO SHARE.... and is my nature,and I am delighted ,this is what makes Swap Bot so fun for me...Thank You very much!
k9sarchick rated for My Grown Up Christmas List on Feb 23, 2010
Response: thank you ...I will never do another email swap arggg it was very hard.........but we be done and heading twards a new Christmas DAY!
Comment: Lovely Thankyou :)
ekdkdk1 rated for The Office (US) themed ATC Swap on Jan 14, 2010
Comment: This is such a fantastic package, I am so impressed with everything you included, and I got a golden ticket, so 10 percent off right? lol!!! I love your drawing!
Response: I am sorry I did not respond. now Your ticket expired dag nabbit. sorry better luck next swap! peace
bringal rated for Holiday Fun Matchbox Swap - Round 3 on Jan 11, 2010
Comment: I sooooo love the matchbox and the goodies you send to me! Thank you!
Kirbyv22 rated for My Photography (email) on Jan 9, 2010
Comment: I loved your pictures! Thanks for showing me these :)
Response: I thank you for patience, The email swap was the hardest swap for me,I got so confused trying to put a name to a picture and then send and receive ,arggg..I wanted to make a pretty page like thing and is why IT was so long.and I never figured out.
onlyincambodia rated for My Grown Up Christmas List on Jan 6, 2010
Comment: Admittedly, you sent this out late with no previous contact. Thank you for sending it, though I couldn't really read much of your email because the font was so strange & the colors were difficult to see. 1/14/10 NOTE: this rating is for sending late, NOT stylistic choices; otherwise it would have been a 5.
Response: I am sorry My choice of style DISAPPOINTED YOU ! I personally did my BEST with what I HAD,as for lateness....I really was confused with 2 email swaps at same time,.My prep for Holiday Was cut in half and all had to be done DEC14. I was attempting to see how to make a pretty PAGE like I received from others and DUE TO THE FACT that I have a new way to do things with my MAC Lap Top NOW and not a XP or,any windows Program,that I had been accustomed to,I AM A ARTIST and not STIFF necked about HOW to do things..AND I TRIED MY PERSONAL BEST..by USEING FONT and color for I HADNT uploaded a Office Package my husband got me Via WORK,and NOW I COOKING! as well as I got so upset I HAVE photoshop&adobe Illustrator NOW....but I shall never do a EMAIL SWAP again ever....so SA-LA-V. to me and email swaps..sorry you didnt like what I SHARED WITH YOU.........linda Ann Chartier.
SGriffin rated for My Photography (email) on Jan 4, 2010
Response: I Am quite sorry I was late,and I have expressed my reasons as above with only in cambodia...... I honestly was trying to do a nice LAY OUT and did not know how with the mac I HAVE! and will stick to my hand drawing,painting and construction.....really I am sorry. Lindaannchartier
3YorkieMom rated for My Photography (email) on Jan 3, 2010
Response: Hey,as above and above,I really am sorry for tardy and for funny font. I promis never to do a email swap again.5 partners and 2 swaps at the same time company and no computer program like paint or ?? I was really tring to do a nice layout and ...IT TOOK too long! so I wanted to do something and compensated with pretty font(I thought was pretty) and now see NO ONE LIKED.. sorry,linda annchartier
AnaBella rated for My Grown Up Christmas List on Jan 3, 2010
Comment: I'm going to give you a 5 although you were late :-) I do understand life isn't always easy. All we can do is try our best and mostly that is enough too :-) Anyways, I enjoyed reading your list and I wish for you that 2010 will turn a few things around. Take care :-)
powderedtoastgirl rated for My Photography (email) on Jan 3, 2010
Comment: Lovely photos, your granddaughter is beautiful! Plus, the Dresden Dolls pretty much rock. :-D Happy new year!
panaxy rated for My Photography (email) on Jan 3, 2010
Comment: Very nice family photos...... Thanks for share with me.
Response: Hey Than you for being so kind! I was late ,I see some didnt like the font and I didnt have a layout. I really tried my personal best,between getting things ready for my company ,while they were here ,my grand daughter I HAD TO SPEND every moment I COULD WITH HER I LOVE HER and miss my children dearly,so TOO many things too confusing and I trully do,THANK YOU! Happy NEW YEAR! linda ann chartier
Response: Jingles,Thank you for the response......I enjoyed drawing it......PEace and feel GOOD.... I myself have awful pain and spine tumor,and COPD...its hard! peace
kizmet rated for Paper Art Doll Swap on May 28, 2009
Comment: LINDA! I got your package today and I have no right words to tell you how much I love everything you sent to me. The doll is a real masterpiece and everything else is so beautiful in a special way. You truly are an amazing artist and I'm so happy to had you as my partner! and Thanks so much for the Amanda Palmer thing! It's already displayed in my room..very very thoughtful of you. Take good care of yourself Linda!
Response: I hoped you loved her..The tiny hooks for the lep Purse are actually components for computer boards THEY matched perfectly! I had so much fun! knowing you LOVED AMANDAFPALMER.I wanted to make a paper Amanda for you ,RAN OUT OF TIME! I do not know why IT TOOK SO LONG FOR YOUR TO RECeive? WHAT WAS THE POST MARK? thanks ,did you like her red sunglasses? hehehehe
whinendine rated for Dogs! Dogs! Dogs! ATC on Mar 30, 2009
Comment: Thank you for the ATC. I admire your talent and love the way you put it together. Thanks.
Response: thank you,was it the correct size? I was told the other dog was small,I didn't understand,what she meant pieces sticking out or something. I was waiting to hear from you ,I will remake if you as well! I must have inadvertently picked up the wrong pile I cut on my PROFESSIONAL MATT BOARD CUTTER even though I try and try I still can screw up measurements,I purchased this from a local frame store going out of business,and they showed me and I measured do the same with Quilts! and this is why I got a mat cutter .I WILL GIVE UP MEASURING. Many many moons ago,when I attended machinist school,and learned how to use a lathe and a du-all,press and bench grinder,band saw "even then" I always has conversations with the instructor on my dimensions.I TRY SO HARD!
halfwaythere rated for OMG! It's Naked Mail Again! on Mar 21, 2009
Comment: LOL! I love the giant toothbrush! My grandson claimed it immediately. It was perfect; he was just saying how he didn't have anything fun at all this weekend, then my daughter walked in with the mail. When I told him he could have it, he said "I've been waiting for this for sooo long!" and he's been carrying it around ever since. Thank you :) you've brightened all our weekend!
Response: hehehe I am so very happy for your grandson! I am glad he enjoyed it! I love it too,I also got giant sizzors and more! @my $ store!
Jingles rated for Dogs! Dogs! Dogs! ATC on Mar 21, 2009
Comment: the first rule od ATC"S is that they have to be 2 1/2 x 3 `1/2 inches only a few hanging out pieces! love j
Response: despite Me not being a perfect line size cutter...MY DOG DESIGN WAS AMMAzing period

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4.8235 21 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
22 32 1 1
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2 4 4 12
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outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

" a quote " from me a Artist...THIS IS A BIZARRE WORLD IN ....."INSIDIOUS ALLIANCE WITHIN ITS - OWN" ......THOUGHT LESS-SELFISH -DISTORTED- BELIEFS......... I refuse to just spin along with ...the mindset "its ok to say this do that THEN STICK IT TO OTHERS......... I REFUSE and dispute having any alliance with the whole. Because Im a rebel , I do not go allong with the very " false niceities" of many here When they are so Foolish I want to run....and hide my eyes..BUT Then I wouldnt be a rebel if I hid my eyes.....I AM BOLD...and I stand firm..... I will not give my ART to anyone that has such a awareness to their own need......they fail to see their IGNORANCE' in their LIES... end quote'

outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

" a quote " from me a Artist...THIS IS A BIZARRE WORLD IN ....."INSIDIOUS ALLIANCE WITHIN ITS - OWN" ......THOUGHT LESS-SELFISH -DISTORTED- BELIEFS......... I refuse to just spin along with ...the mindset "its ok to say this do that THEN STICK IT TO OTHERS......... I REFUSE and dispute having any alliance with the whole. Because Im a rebel , I do not go allong with the very " false niceities" of many here When they are so Foolish I want to run....and hide my eyes..BUT Then I wouldnt be a rebel if I hid my eyes.....I AM BOLD...and I stand firm..... I will not give my ART to anyone that has such a awareness to their own need......they fail to see their IGNORANCE' in their LIES... end quote'

outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

you are a simple woman......and you may say what you feel.. is your right' and so can I You can see how many swaps you do" I rest my case... ----------NUMBERS SPEEK LOUDER THAN MY WORDS.. I have a LIFE" and is why I HAVE VERY FEW' (just thought Id spell it out for you)

by the number you left me 'is what I referred to YOU" and is MY RIGHT AS WELL.... "as saying I WAS A FLAKE.........." also IF YOU WERE A TRUE CHRISTIAn....... you would no enjoy scaring children and studing the "occult' flipp flopp' ding dong......HELLO! jealous? YOU MAKE NO SENCE..

Naeco on Dec 22, 2009:

alt text

Thanks for joining my swap! If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

kizmet on Jun 5, 2009:

In answer to your rating answer: It would have been impossible not to love the doll you made. It's so beautiful and you took care of every tiny detail.. the bag is SO cool (I have a weakness for leopard printed stuff!) and so clever! And don't worry about not having had the time to do an Amanda Palmer doll. I'm very happy with the one you made!!

Thanks again!

outsideartist on Apr 25, 2009:

"Steal flamingos and gnomes" from the dark side of the lawn"

outsideartist on Apr 6, 2009:

tit4tat is a good name?

SewSouthern on Mar 30, 2009:

Your artwork is fabulous!!!

biasbabe on Mar 28, 2009:

You have some wonderful art work

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