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Original Member
Last Online: September 23, 2024 Country: Sweden |
Collage, crochet / knitting, stamping, embroidery, slow stitching / hand sewing, cloth and clay doll making, air dry paper clay sculpture, altered art, suminagashi, witchCRAFTS ( making oils, candles, herbal sachets, mojo bags, spellCRAFTING, shrines, assemblage art, whimsy jar spells, healing & love popetts ) making strange things out of old plastic dolls ( like flower pots or decorative items ) mosaic out of old broken dishes & coloured glass, coloured beads and pearls, mask making , hand poured candles & suncatchers. * Recently I am into/ learning visible mending.
I am drawn to themes on the darkside. Macabre, strange and odd type things catch my fancy. I love learning new crafts and DIY projects are fun too!
Sometimes I have crafters ADHD ( to go w my personal ADHD and I have multiple craft projects going on at the same time. ) and I seem to evidently LOVE COLLECTING CRAFT SUPPLIES
anything on this list will be a heart for sure !
yes please '
A - AI email art, abstract art, apples ( red and black ) , alice in wonderland, africa, axolotl, anatomy, art deco, ATCs, Amelie, Ayurveda, ( indie ) animation
B- bows, baby dolls ( vintage antique ) bells, beads, old or children's picture books ( particularly in another language ) BANJO, BUTOH, buddhism, bellydance, balloons, bones, ballet, bucket lists,
C- candy ( factory sealed only ) cloth, clay, candles, CRYSTALS, confetti, clown, circus, CHRISTMAS, cultural items/ music, recipes from YOUR CULTURE, collage, catholic items, cookies, cake, consciousness, cello,
D- DOGS!! ( specifically Jack Russels ) old lace doilies ( fabric or paper ) Dia De Los Muertos, decadence, dance from all over the world, the darkside, disco,
E- ELEPHANTS, eyes, elves, ephemera, easter, embroidery, existentialism,
F- fake fur in un-natural colors, paper/ cloth/ plastic hand fans, fabric ( including vintage ) fairies, flowers, fortune telling, funk, Frida Kahlo, Fuck cancer stuff,
G- grab bags, gel pens, google eyes, gnomes, GOATS!!! ghosts, goddess, gothic,
H- happy/ seasonal socks, holy items from any religion, HORSES!!!!!, historical fiction, HALLOWEEN, HINDUISM, homestaeading, hearts, hello kitty, handmade,
I- interesting yet useless facts, indie music, indigo, india,
J- jax, ( american or "chinese " ), japan, junk style, Juxtapose magazine, jazz, jane austin,
K- KITSCH, kantha ( embroidery ) kawaii, kinbaku,
L- lace, love, loteria cards, single letters ( stickers or stamps ) LGBT+, lillies
M- magpies, magic, memorabilia from the 20-s to the 80s, masks, macabre, music, mindfulness, maxamilism, mushrooms, masala, magnets for the fridge, mary poppins, matchboxes, MY MELODY, matryoshka dolls, Miyazaki, mexico, magazines,
N- things that say NOEL ( my name ) NDE stories, newspapers from other countries
O- octopus, opulence, otherworldly, old-timey anything, outer space,
P- poetry, photos (urban photography, vintage or antique photos, bokeh, macro, travel ) postcards, pasties ( for your boobs ) peacocks, POOR THINGS, punk, Pippi, paper, palmistry, pay it forward
Q- quirky, queens, questions than make one really reflect,
R- rainbows, rubies, recycled sari fabric and yarn, recipes from your culture or family ( vegetarian or vegan only, if not they must be able to be transformed into vegan or vegetarian ) ribbon, random acts of kindness,
S- sarees, ( old-timey / folk ) songs, stickers, stencils, SLOTHS, simplicity, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, snacks from your country ( factory sealed ) , sequins, shrines, stars, swans, SNAILS, sanrio, soul music, side show, sushi, spooky,
T- tall tales, Taoism, tea ( factory sealed ) taxidermy ( ask before you send if its REAL ( otherwise pictures/ facts, books are welcome ) tarot, temples,
U- umami, ukulele, urban legends,
V- violets, violin, VICTORIAN ERA / Victoriana , VAMPIRES,
W- wishlistes, wildflowers, wabi sabi, willy wonka, WES ANDERSON, wierd, william morris, watercolor,washi tape,
X- xrays,
Y- yoga, yarn,
Z- zines, zombies, zena- warrior princess,
other- 80's era, 1920- 1940s era, any craft supplies related to my fav crafts above.
ps. for flat envelope swapers...if you have way too many stickers, washi tape or even strange, odd, shabby chic, cultural, religious or dark / macabre images cut from magazines, newspapers, old books to use in collage. and want to purge, send it my way please. I would be super grateful and excited!
The post here in the north, unfortunately is not as efficient as the states.
I do not live near a post office exactly and I do not drive. I walk to a neighbourhood postbox or take the bus to the postoffice for small packages. Β¨
The postmark may not always be the exact send by date. Nothing is picked up locally on holidays or weekends. There alot of holidays in Sweden, haha.
on the inverse, it takes longer for things to reach me as well.
please be patient when rating me or waiting for your rating FROM me.
COMMUNICATE w me as I will communicate w you ( and my coordinator ) Most issues can be resolved to some degree w communication.
I have sent out about 250 swaps and only 1 ( with a resend ) was not received.
I can/ will resend most swaps 1x. Depending on effort and costs. ( I try to have pictures of what I send /create for proof. )
For swaps I coordinate, I will usually " angel " or ask if someone in the swap is willing.
Life happens and swapping is supposed to be FUN! be kind, you never know what another person is going thru.
( cheaters and lazy folk are not welcome so please just stay away )
most Disney ( exception of Mary Poppins and Alice or Fantasia )
anything with scent ( unless it is swap specific or you check w me first )
any food/ tea or snacks that are NOT factory sealed
bigotry, racism, sexism or the patriarchy,
So there are a couple private swaps I would like to do. Private because they are craft intensive and I could not "angel" a public swap if if someone were to not receive anything from their partner.
I will list them here and if you have read this far, you are interested in me so maybe these ideas interest you.
I am usually down for something macabre, odd or strange.
Specific swaps I would enjoy doing 1 on 1 are...
Victorian mourning doll.
Poor Things, half animal, half human assemblage doll
Kantha placemat ( 1. round for under my tea pot - made from up-cycled second hand scarves )
Snacks/ candy ( factory sealed ) from YOUR COUNTRY.
if you DM me I can send pics of what my expectations/ abilities are.
Also if there are any Shri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi devotees out there reading this and you would like to do a private swap related to Amma, just DM me and we can set something up. JAI MAA!
I started swapping here in 2006 and went until 2013. SB got me thru some tough times.
I took a 10 year SB break, haha I got into horses!!! its a lifestyle you know!
However I have some crafting time now that my 3 sweetpeas ( children ) are mostly grown.
Still living the horse life. I have 2 JRT dogs, aged 10 & 11. They love to swap too!
I have a secret dream of doing a solo act in a comedy burlesque review, shhh dont tell anyone. haha!
I enjoy travel, but cant afford to, time or money wise.
I have an obscene magnet collection from everyone and anyone who travels or knows someone who knows someone who knows me, who travels, giving me touristy magnets. its alot of fun!
I love to dance, walk in summer rain, drink copious amounts of tea & go second hand shopping for just about anything and everything.
Thanks for reading this far, you are awesome!
Thank you for the "angel" of the vulgar embroidered PC. I appreciate the humor of it, too. π₯πͺ½