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Date Joined: April 19, 2016
Last Online: October 31, 2021 Birthday: February 1 Country: Sweden My Website |
Hi, I'm Moa and I'm from Sweden.
I work a boring day job and live in an apartment that somehow is only devoid of Stuff On Every Possible Surface for about an hour after I've cleaned it. Then, I start filling every surface with Projects again ... I wouldn't have it any other way, though.
I've been away from swaps for a while, but am looking around. Keeping my eyes open :p
I love a lot of books. I am a huge fan of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong, and I've read Jean M Auel's books more times than I can count (NOT the last one though ... I don't know why, haven't felt like it I guess) - although I tend to just re-read my favourite parts these days.
My favourite book of all time is "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (if you haven't read it; read it, it's awesome), because it is undescribably good.
In Swedish, I re-read Niklas Krog's triology about once a year, and I tend to fall back on my childhood favourite, Kulla-Gulla (which no one outside of Sweden has probably heard of) from time to time.
I also have a growing shelf full of obscure fact books, like How to survive a zombie apocalypse, The Gentleman's fashion through the ages, as well as numerous books about signs and symbols and myths ... I like facts, and if the fact book happen to have a lot of pictures, that's a plus. :p
Poetry-wise, I love rhymes and beat; Edgar Allan Poe when I'm feeling dramatic (I can only understand about half of his poems though), and Dorothy Parker (any time, anywhere, in any situation). A smart nursery rhyme is never wrong, either.
Also, I read comics. Lots of them. Only well-drawn ones though, or REALLY well-written ones. I'm there for the Art or the Story, basically.
And I read a lot of fanfics. A LOT of fanfics. I mean, like, INSANE amounts, from a lot of different fandoms, because fanfics? Can give me an instant fix. I want to read comedy? I read a funny fanfic. I want to read something sad? I read an angsty one. It's just so easy. Any fanfic with well-written characters is a good fanfic. I love you all, fanfic writers of the world! (And yes, I'm printing them, so TECHNICALLY they are books ...)
The only thing I'm not that into is romance. As an aromantic person, it just doesn't interest me that much.
This is gonna be a long list. rubs hands together ... where to begin? Okay, in NO order at all ... clears throat:
... just to name a few.
Honestly, most superhero movies. And funny movies, and action movies, and movies with really nice special effects or really well-written movies. I like to be ENTERTAINED (so no miserable dramas based on real events, please).
I just like a lot of movies, okay
"Stranger Things", because 1. Billy Hargrove (yeah. I have adopted Billy and I love his character most of everything and everyone) 2. Nostalgia, 3. Well done.
I usually enjoy shows where I get to watch people create things, like - for example - cooking or baking shows, or art happening. (I can watch youtube videos of things being made for HOURS).
When it comes to scripted shows, I like a lot of them, but to be honest - mostly because the fanfic potential. I fall in love with a show or characters in a show (see aforementioned Billy Hargrove), and then I go looking for fanfics for that show. I tend to like the fandoms more than the shows ... but! That being said, I like (in no particular order, again):
I also have a list of about 30 shows that I WILL watch, at some point. So I have my work cut out for me. :)
Oooh! I love everything craft-y, basically, but I can't say that I have a favourite, as I jump between everything as I feel like it.
I like drawing and writing and painting and baking and sculpting and jewelry-making and cooking and planting things and everything in between.
I've gone on courses to learn jewelry making with silver clay and chain maille, screen printing and throwing clay.
I've also been knitting, crocheting, sewing, working with leather and made costumes and masks.
Anything that concerns Making Something or learning something craft-like, and I'm sure to love it. It has to take some skill, though - it can't be too easy, or I'll be bored. (I am NOT into most paper crafts, so sending me scrapbooking stuff will just confuse me.)
I basically just want to learn everything. I love trying and learning new crafts.
I am not overly fond of stuff that has no purpose and that I cannot use (random stickers or pieces of paper etc - unless it somehow relates to stuff I like - like Billy or movies or comics or superheroes).
Okay, so something that I am looking for but haven't been able to get in my own country ( ie, reasons to move abroad ...):
Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream - I love it, but they don't sell it here in Sweden ... I've gotten it in a swap a few times, and it never fails to make me happy!
Terry's Chocolate Orange. I mean, it's chocolate shaped as a fruit - what's not to love??
Pumpkin-flavoured spiced cider bags.
The aforementioned Christmas ornaments from my "like"-list. (ie December Diamonds mermen/fairies - especially Kalan and Dr. Pet-A-Vet/Tattoo/Camo/Home Grown/Jagger - and Hallmark Keepsakes - curently lusting after Deadpool, Jack Frost, Wonder Woman 2016, Lock Shock & Barrel, Wall-E, Spiderman A new kind of hero 2017, Thor from Ragnarok, Mowgli & Baloo, and Toothless & Hickup. And hey, other geeky ones, from other brands, if they're good quality.)
If, by any divine intervention I'd get any of that in the mail, it would make my MONTH. For things like these, I'm also open to private swaps. Very, very open to private swaps.
If you send me anything larger than a letter, PLEASE make sure to mark it as "gift".
The post office/customs where I live will hold it hostage, otherwise, and make me pay a ridiculous fee, and it takes several weeks longer.
Still trying out the things in the A-Z candy swap and OMG I love the sour gummies. I swear the best sour gummies come from Sweeden! <3 <3 <3
Hi there Moa ! I just wanted to thank you, for joining the swap in Sweet tooth Christmas candy and A ornament. I really appreciate it so much ! Debbie T.
Stumbled upon your profile! Very nice to meet you! :)
Guardians of the Galaxy in a Mini Bag profile check. I am Groot!
The facts were these... Pushing Daisies in a Mini Bag profile check!
Hehe, thanks for the encouragment!
Well, looks like I might need to finish up a little something to send your way since you LOVE fanfiction so much!!! <<<That makes me happy to find someone who enjoys it as much as I do writing it and reading other people's works!
Have a good day!
Favorite fandoms in a bag profile check. Happy holidays & happy swapping!
There are so many negative things on TV & everywhere you turn,..

I want to share this with you lovely ladies today!!!
Blessings, cc
I'm so glad you like the gift I got you! It actually is one of my favourite comic book series of all times, so I really really hope you'll love it as much as I do. I got the feeling we have the same taste in comic books, so I went for it. Also, if you look closely you'll see that the author (Warren Ellis) is the same as "crooked little vein", the book I sent you in an earlier swap. Have you had the chance to read it yet? In my eyes he's an utter genius. And I'd love to hear if you agree once you've had a look into his world. :-)