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Date Joined: February 11, 2010
Last Online: April 14, 2010 Birthday: September 29, 1989 Country: United States |
*To everyone, please be sure to mark my name and mail box number in the address. This is the only way to sort mail at my college :)
Hello! My name is Sarah and I'm a second year college student majoring in the Fine Arts. The area I wish to concentrate in is either illustration or photography, as I haven't decided yet. I'm also taking Japanese as a second language :)
I have three tattoos and two facial piercings (lip and Monroe), and plan on getting more tattoos in the future of traditional-style Japanese artwork. In my spare time at college, I occasionally go out clubbing with my suite-mates.
At home, I live out in the country of PA and love it when spring and summer come around. I like to be outside when its warm, hiking, playing badminton, taking film photos, and just lounging with friends.
I have come to find that I really enjoy swapping artwork, prints and photos. Being at college and living in a dorm gives me a lot of walls to fill, and I want work from others to fill it with because I can't do it all on my own :)
I enjoy quite a variety of things : :
more to come!
Depending on my mood or what I'm doing, I listen to different genres of music. Here are just some genres with my favorite examples ^_^
Movies : : Spirited Away, Totoro, Moulin Rouge, Army of Darkness, Schindler's List, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Jurassic Park, The Fountain, and some others :]
TV : : Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, America's Next Top Model, South Park, Law and Order: SVU
Video Games : : Okami :D Dynasty Warriors, Silent Hill series, Katamari, DDR, all of the pokemon gameboy/DS games, and currently, White Knight Chronicles
Some things I dislike are : :
Bright neon mismatched colors. It just gives me a headache unless they're in a proper setting.
Twilight: the books, movies, anything dealing with it
Cheesy and/or cliche [love] stories
Knick-knack items that just sit around and collect dust. I live in a dorm, so if it can't cover my walls or be used somehow, it's just going to take up space :( sorry
hey, don't worry about getting a letter back to me, I know you're busy with school and homework. :) I'll hear from ya when I hear from ya. Take care and good luck with all your projects and other work! :)
Hey, how's it going? I was wondering if you ever got the swap from me for "I love art", or if it got lost in the mail. I heard about all that bad weather on your end, but surely it's cleared up by now. Take it easy! Laura
Hey!! No problem at all! I totally understand, because this happens to my swaps a lot...The weather makes everything takes longer! Iรยดm just anxious to receive my ATC!!! :)
HI SARAH! WWII: "all participating sides", I like how you put that.