Swap-bot Time: March 13, 2025 9:54 pm


This user has been partially suspended.
Date Joined: August 30, 2012
Last Online: November 18, 2012
Birthday: May 27
Country: United States

About Me

Hey all! Yes I am a double profiler. NO I shouldn't have done that. No I don't want to come back under that name. Yes I am trying to fix my one. No I do not intend to sign up for anymore swaps. Yes I am sorry for being a liar (not a cheat... I never received anything for that swap that I did not send for, though I did get rated and I never marked sent on it either, yes I did not give someone what they should have gotten but they did get what I was going to be sent, I didn't, so yes I flaked but I didn't cheat). I shouldn't have lied to you all. Go ahead and leave hate mail... yes I will delete it. yes I have contacted Admin to combine the two profiles. Yes I will complete my swaps (I am contacting all of you about this now). Yes I am sorry about this and shouldn't have had to be called out about it before I did anything. Yes it sounded like a good idea in my head to make up for the other swap on the other profile and earn my way back here on this one. NO it wasn't actually as good of an idea as it sounded. (That seems to happen a bit sometimes). If you do not want to send to me please notify me and the swap coordinator. It is between you and the swap coordinator for you to decide not to send to me. I will send all of my swaps that I owe. I will not triple profile (seriously already merging the two now). if I left anything else out you want to know please PM me. Sorry to have lied, you didn't deserve that. I have always, and will always strive for hearts. I am here to make your mail happy not for the stuff in the mail for myself (nice to get but not my real reason for being here). That said I did make a mistake years ago. I did struggle with a swap and I did not send it. I messaged my partner and the swap coordinator tons (you can ask them). I am trying to contact my partner (though she is not active right now). I had thought that whatever was to go to me would have gone to her but I don't know about that. I still should have sent. I always put all of me into my swaps and I will continue to do so. I know that does not jive with what I did but I do. I am really sorry to those of you who trusted me without a real reason to and who got lied to but I haven't been here to hurt people or flake. I am not back to multiple profile to cheat and lie to people, I am here to make people happy. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to get it all out. Sorry I did this to you. If I have not contacted you yet I will but feel free to contact me with any questions you have. I will try to answer them. Again I will send and I will rate. I will keep my promises and complete what I owe (one one from years ago and my current swaps). I don't know what I will do after that... I guess it is kind of up to Rachel and the community here. If I leave and you still want to be friends let me know. I would love to keep pen paling with you (or swapping and such). Sorry.

I am a science teacher who is obsessed with space and the ocean. I am married to a wonderful man, who is an English teacher. We live in an amazing house with a beautiful garden. We just adopted two adorable rescue pups who would love the chance to lick you to death or play tug-of-war with you. I make (craft, build, program, write, cook, etc) and love to read (I always have at least three books going at once). More about me below.

Favorite Audio/Visuals

As for the Audio

My favorite band of all time is Guster. They have been my go to band for most any time I need music. That said I like tons of other groups too.

Right now I am on a kick with three artists in particular: Florence and the Machine (so much fun), Mumford and Sons (great banjo), and Adele (so my "deal with it" music right now). I have also started listening to She & Him and like them.

That said I still listen to the standbys of my youth including No Doubt and Simon and Garfunkel (so I have very eclectic tastes, what can I say?). I really enjoy finding new music though I do spend most of my radio time on NPR. I have been using Pandora to expand my knowledge and would love other recommendations too.

Now the Audio and Visual: Movies

I have always loved musicals and Disney movies (all of them). That said I am not a huge movie buff. I will watch Much Ado About Nothing everyday but nothing else really captures it for me. I like to think my husband is Benedict (Shakespeare really could have written that part for him) and that I am Beatrice (I am not as witty or funny but let's just pretend). I do love happy movies and beautiful ones too. Alice in Wonderland/ is one of my favorite themes and I have seen almost all the versions out there of the stories. I think I am more of a reader than a movie person, it gives you more freedom to imagine things, though I don't think poorly of movies I just don't love them as much. However, our favorite movie as a couple is either Moulin Rouge because it is so romantic and pretty and Surf's Up because it is so fun and has penguins... I love penguins!!!

Continuing Audio and Visual: Television

I am not a huge TV person but there are some shows that I just love.

I watch Project Runway with my mom, it is our mother-daughter thing. I am also a HUGE Dr Who (mostly the older original stuff) and Firefly fan. My real addiction is Sherlock and all of the older Sherlock Holmes'. DH and I also watch Arrested Development over and over again (if you have never seen it, you may want to give it a try).

So as you can see I don't watch much TV but I am open to new ideas if I can see them on Amazon or Netflix (might even try Hulu if it worth it).

Now what about just visual?

I love old-fashioned scientific art (yes I think it is art, even the anatomical images). I am really into Bette Page style pinups (anything that was once painted on an airplane too.. I love nose art and I have tons of images that I have taken and collect).

This also leads itself toward steampunk (my newest obsession). I love The Girl Genius Comics (willing to trade almost anything for this stuff! I want to be Agatha. I do have all of the books but not all of them in Hardcover). I hope to make outfit for DH and I one day to go to the local ball but we don't know what style we fit in best yet so that is a long way off.

My favorite artists include: Kadinsky, Mucha, Calder, Tiffany, and Wright. I collect anything by or based on art by these amazing artists. I just saw one of Tiffany's lake shore lamps... if only it hadn't been real I might have been able to afford it... and so would have!!!

My house is filled with almost every age and style of furnishings though I love Victorian the most (and regency but so much of that seems impractical some how). I also love mid-century modern in the futurism direction (like the Sputnik-inspired stuff). I love flea markets and hate matching. I also love the idea of my home being in a magazine like Country Living or Flea Market style... love them!

Favorite Books

Obviously, my favorite children's books are by Frances Hodgson Burnett (guess which one I would be a character from). My all time favorite book is The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas. My favorite authors include Neil Gaiman (Neverwhere), Jasper Fforde (Shades of Grey is awesome), Christopher Moore (Sacre Blue if you have not read it go do do now, I will wait, oh and read it in color please), and Patricia Wrede (great YA fantasy).

That said my house is almost literally lined in books. I love them all. I will read almost anything though I have never gotten into Horror or Harlequin Romance, though I am giving Horror a try now. I always have at least three books going at once and lying about so I can read at any moment on a whim. I will share my Goodreads later, once I figure this all out.

I also collect children's books. I want to have a HUGE library of them before we have children. The sort of books I look for most are either fact based (about science, art, history, etc) or fables and fairytales from a variety of cultures (especially ones that explain scientific phenomenon or origins of cultural events, like the Moon Festival).

Lastly, I am getting into graphic novels. Mostly ones I have discovered through webcomics right now. I love Girl Genius (like I already said) and would love recommendations in that direction if you have any. Most graphic novels are too graphic for me; blood, gore and explicit sex are not something I can handle (okay blood is okay but in the scientific sense not the violence sense).

As for magazines I read any crochet magazine I can get my hands on though I only subscribe to Crochet Today and Interweave Crochet. I try to get all of the Inside Crochet I can find but they don't always make it across the pond and the states. I also read: Flea Market Style, Junk Style, Country Living and Sunset, all of which are get inspirations for me.

Other General Favorites

I do love all things colorful (I am a big rainbow person, mostly wanting things to be bright and colorful but not gaudy). My home is mostly in seafoam and forest greens, robin's egg and dark blues, and chocolate browns. My studio is the prettiest lavender and I want to add to the color in there. Like I said earlier I am obsessed with space and the ocean. My favorite subject to teach in school is Space Science followed closely by Earth Science, though I have taught almost all of them. I am huge into books (used mostly because I can't afford new) and read them in paper and on my kindle (which is never far from me). I like to game but not as much as DH does, I prefer light gaming (think Fable and Epic Mickey, less FPS).

I have two aussie/lab mixes that I adore and require a bit of my time as puppies but I hope to travel with them, though not to everywhere I plan on going as I love travel. I love to make things (talked about above in my crafts section). I also collect antiques and anything green vintage Pyrex (odd but loved collection).

My secret indulgence is chocolate and tea but as I am trying to lose weight I am being good on the chocolate front. My secret hobby is planning my possible future nursery (a boy will have Futurism space theme and a girl Alice in Wonderland or The Secret Garden both somewhat steampunked). Let's hope I actually get to follow through with those plans ;-)

PS. Right now I am enjoying being a Happy Homemaker and taking this whole home ownership really seriously, with cleaning binges and cooking and baking fits. Like a fancy dancy 1950's housewife... but with a job so not as much time as I would like.

Swap Info

I rate as soon as I can after receiving a swap (generally the same day). I also send out as soon as possible.

However, I realize that at some point life might get in the way. I will pledge to be up front if I think I might be late with something as soon as possible. I hope you are willing to be the same way. I have been flaked on by others on other sites and I know how much that sucks so I will avoid that for you at all costs. I am also open to angeling on almost all of the swaps I join, just in case that is needed. Hit me up!

I am also open to answer any questions you might have about anything during a swap. I don't want anyone to not enjoy themselves. That said I hope you will let me know if I have disappointed you in a swap so I can make it up to you. I am almost always willing to resend something else if you are not happy with what you got.

I also am aiming for hearts! That said if I didn't earn one.. I shouldn't get one. I am still learning how to earn them in different situations but I hope to be a member of the 100 hearts club one day!


The only things I dislike are bath and body products, mostly because I have super sensitive skin and probably won't use them. I really don't wear make-up or do my hair either (knot on top of my head kind of gal) though I love collecting hair things even though I rarely use them. I am not practicing any faith either but I don't dislike religion. I am actually exploring wicca, maybe one day to actually be able to practice, though I am open (actually one of my hobbies) to learn about all faiths. Religion fascinates me: where does it come from, the diversity, the stories and art it creates, the power it has. If you're religious and want to share your faith with me I am open to learning about it, but don't expect a convert. I am super skeptical, but that doesn't mean closed minded, just cautious. I do dislike politics but who doesn't these days?

I am also not able to wear yellow (as a blonde it doesn't work for me) and my family isn't into red... though I like both yellow and red (DH hates yellow). It is a weird world I inhabit but just so you know. But for papercrafting and such any color works.

Things I would love to have mo

I might try out wishpot but I am a BIG pinterest person so if you have questions you can look there. I also have an Amazon wishlist if you need idea too.

I love all things space and ocean. I have been newly infatuated with Steampunk and would love to get more into it. I am a HUGE science geek but love all things cute. I want to get into papercrafting and have some supplies but inspiration is always welcome.


Tinkerbell1982 rated for Any Postcard Swap # 4 on Nov 7, 2012
Comment: Great story! I have a very similar family!
LunaMoody rated for Calender ATC for 2013 on Nov 2, 2012
Comment: awesome cards!!! Thank you for the picture frame to go with them.
rklemons rated for Creepy Cute Halloween Doll on Oct 27, 2012
Comment: Thanks for the bat, he is cute! My son stole him right away!
Response: Glad he likes him and glad he got there okay. Thanks for the rating!
bgailk rated for Any Postcard Swap # 4 on Oct 18, 2012
Comment: Sorry i'm late rating - been traveling! Love the puffin & owl - 2 of my favorite birds.
deviousdomi rated for Handmade Bookmark Swap on Oct 16, 2012
Comment: I loved the bookmarks. Thank you so much! :)
A123987 rated for Any Postcard Swap # 3 on Oct 11, 2012
Comment: Postcard arrived today thank you :-)
Response: So glad. Was it the original or the resend?
ShellyEmma rated for Weight Loss Letter Challenge on Oct 8, 2012
Comment: Thanks for sharing! I loved the package! It's really inspired me! Thank you x
AnitaHames rated for Once Upon A Time Journal Swap #4 on Oct 5, 2012
Comment: I haven't read it yet, but I look forward to it!
Comment: Wow, thanks for the AMAZING journal! I haven't read it completey yet, but it looks awesome.,
FundyGirl rated for Travel Theme Rolo on Oct 5, 2012
Comment: Wow! How beautiful! You did amazing! I LOVE it! Thanks. :)
MichelleWillow rated for Send a postcard on Oct 2, 2012
Comment: Thank you.
Comment: Thank you for the pc with the great view
ariestess rated for $5 Pagan/Wiccan Surprise on Sep 28, 2012
Comment: Oh thank you! I have been eying this journal for a while now. *claps hands delightedly*
ariestess rated for Halloween Fun on Sep 28, 2012
Comment: Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you SO much! I love it all! I am anxious to start using the micron pens especially!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful postcard.
Druidha rated for Paper/Punch Swap on Sep 28, 2012
Comment: Wow! I LOVED all the papers and punchs. The papers are so rich and beautiful. I've never seen the journaling prompts you sent. And they are sticky!!! I absolutely loved it all. Thanks for this fun swap.
lunakat805 rated for Kindle Lovers Unite on Sep 28, 2012
Comment: I LOVE Mary Roach too... can't wait to look up your recommendations! I love the Kindle :) Thank you!
Comment: Awesome PC! Thanks!
Hollydays rated for Short Story Journal on Sep 27, 2012
Comment: I love the way you did your journal I'm copying it some what for a pen pal swap I'm doing. I'm working on a story now. Hope things work out for you.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 53 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
42 74 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
10 19 13 0
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A123987 on Oct 14, 2012:

The resend postcard arrived.

Artistic on Oct 2, 2012:

Glad you got the story journal. Looking forward to eventually reading your story.

MichelleWillow on Sep 28, 2012:

Thank you very much for sending wonderful Mucha PC for Postcard tag on Public forum! ♥

renderedarchaic on Sep 27, 2012:

Thank you for the amazing notecard grabbie from the Grabbie Taggie-US tag game. Even though you said you needed to get a bigger envelope, I still wasn't expecting quite so many!

lillianmarie on Sep 23, 2012:

Thank you so much for the PC from the tag! I LOVE it! Could you pm me and let me know where you got those cards from, I really want them now!

BluePoppy on Sep 22, 2012:

Oh, hello there!

Awww... thanks! My babies are also in bed now. And since last Tuesday we have a new guest: a young male poodle we found. He's white and really small. We'll be looking for his mommy and daddy tomorrow.

I teach English in Brazil and I really love it. Where in the US are you?

Thanks for the compliments to my stitching!

jillybird on Sep 22, 2012:

Hey, it's me again. This time with the whole link - I hope. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtVh8kVZ_XM&feature=related

~ Debbi

jillybird on Sep 22, 2012:

Hi! I'm stopping by your profile from the "leave a comment on my profile" tag. And I've brought a gift! Here's a video featuring a song by She and Him. Hopefully, you haven't already seen it - http://www.youtube.com/watchv=rtVh8kVZ_XM&feature=related

(I'm sorry I don't know how to make it clicky.) I hope your school year has started off well, and welcome to Swap-bot! - Debbi

surprisemom on Sep 21, 2012:

Joshua received the Hawaii postcard. Thank you so much!! Thanks also for the interesting facts. :) Thanks again for helping him with his project!!

kcody03 on Sep 20, 2012:

Ahh! I absolutely loved it I can't thank you enough!! The bloody twins Alice in wonderland manga you sent for Small Profile Surprise Tag (US) is awesome(: thank you thank you thank you

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