Swap-bot Time: January 23, 2025 9:30 am

Are you sure you want to signup for Shoebox of random goodness?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.

This is a trial swap, although I have done this with a private member of swap-bot, Krystal. I loved it, just getting a random shoebox of whatever crap you have hoarded. Ideally you have some good paper to share or snacks, stickers or costume jewellery, figurines, vintage stuff, art supplies, fashion items, tarot, rocks, gems, seeds art, you name it. I do warn that postage can be pricy. But it’s worth it. I will do my best to screen but if someone flakes, I am Happy to Angel.

Terms of Use: Swap-bot facilitates swaps among the members of this service. You expressly agree that use of Swap-bot is at your own risk. You must be 18 years of age or older to use the Swap-bot service. Content posted to Swap-bot is solely the opinion and responsibility of the user posting the message. Swap-bot expects that all users will post respectful and courteous content. Swap-bot takes no responsibility and assumes no liability either for the content posted on the site, or for your communications and relationships with other Swap-bot members. Read complete Terms of Use.