Hi there! If you love (or just like) Disney, you're in the right place! Let's swap Disney things others may not have. It can be handmade, store bought... anything!
A minimum of 4 DIFFERENT item styles.
If sending bits of sticky notes, please send 6 sheets/pieces or more.
- If sending memo sheets, please sent 5 or more.
- If sending playing cards please send 4 or more.
- If sending stickers, please sent 15 or more.
(The combination above counts as 1 swap! And are also examples of what counts as "1 item" in each category. But feel free to send anything you've got, and suggestions are always welcome :).
A notebook counts as 1 items, socks as 1, etc.
Please leave in the comments what you already have! No need to be rude about it lol, don't yell at us by capitalizing "DON'T SEND ME STICKERS." "I have lots of sticky notes already :)" would be great instead. For example, mine would read, "I've already got park maps from last year at Disneyland!" or "I've already got Halloween stickers!"
- Your profile MUST be filled out with at least 4 sections touched on. It must also include something related to Disney in order to be a part of this swap :)
- A minimum of 10 swaps must already be completed
- A minimum of 10 ratings must be on your profile
- No unexplained 1's and 3's please. If you've had lateness issues in the past, please let me know- believe me I have been there unfortunately. On the ratings, make sure the info is in your profile or send me a message! It never made sense to me to ban people with 200 swaps and only "one" 1 or 3.
Blank Profiles/New Folks
- Look for my swaps that allow those with minimal to no swaps completed! We were all new at some point and I'm happy to angel for those who flake or disappear out of nowhere :(
- For many hosts, they like to see 4-5 different sections filled out in your profile :)
If you need clarification on other things, just message me!