This swap is related to Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
Your Partner will request one of the ladies from Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Dawn, Tara, Willow, Anya, Faith, Buffy, Drusilla, Harmony etc... (If you want to pick one of the other ladies like Cordie or one of the boys leave a comment!!!)
Then take a tote-sized bag and fill it with stuff that you think that lady would have in her bag.
Must include!
* An appropriate lip supply (chapstick, burtsbees, lipgloss etc)
* A book/magazine or handmade composition book that the lady would carry around
* A wearable object like a scarf, necklace, headband etc
* Something OBVIOUSLY related to that character.
* A letter about your experience watching Buffy and detailing which lady and at what point during the 7 seasons
For example!
- If I were Willow I might have some burtsbees or other organic lipbalm, a spell book, a grocery list including food for Amy/ Mr. Kittyfantastico and a funky scarf.
4.8+, no-nosends, rated in atleast 5 mail swaps, and I will ban before assigning partners! I'm a dedicated Buffy fan and will angel anyone that gets flaked on. There's a huge gap between the last day to sign up and the deadline so I expect awesome-ness!