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Response: you cant rate a one for swap fulfillment according to the website and you know that.
i have fulfuilled my swap and sent in time.
if you dont like the swap and you are unable to communicate - thats your problem.
if you are a swap host you must communicate with the people in the swap.
if you dont have the time - there is an easy solution: dont swap or host.
yeah i have tried to "drop out" of this swap. your non communication DURING the swap while it was still running left me no other choice. Now you are pursuing communcation aggressively but you missed your responsibility to communicate during the swap, especially as a swap host. there have been 2.5 months time to deal with it. but even when I asked you to drop out you neither responded in any way nor cancelled the swap.
obviously you didnt care but now you complain and give me a one which is NOT according to the rules of this website. you cant rate a one if swap was fulfilled.
funny you should complain about missing communcation now, when it was you that didnt communicate.
again if you dont have time for swapping and especially hosting no one forces you to.
it also doenst matter if you are willing to change your rating because its not according to the rules of the website. swap fulfillment = 5. ANd I have earned that already.