All ratings for benzmom
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Response: I tried to let all coordinators know of my circumstances related to my Dads death and I tried to fill my obligations. I am sorry you were not made aware.
Response: Your so welcome <3
Response: I tried to be cute with it and it was to big my apologies I did repost so you could read it. I had to run outside and move vehicles for the plow when I was in middle of typing it and didn't hit send till I sat back down..
Response: My apologies for not being able to keep this commitment. I tried to keep up with things after my Dads death it all just became to much and Swap Box became less important. At that time. I tried best I could to communicate with everyone and I am sorry if you were not aware.
Response: I am sorry I was not able to fill my commitment to this swap. I was dealing with the sudden death of my Dad and then took a 6 year break from swap bot. I did try to contact the coordinators of my swaps but looks like you may not have been made aware. So sorry!
Response: I do recall this swap and I believe you were out of country, I had actually sent you beautiful stationary but it did not make it to but at the time was dealing with my dads death and ended up leaving swap bot for 6 years.
Response: As I stated above and I recall us emailing back and forth a bit but was so long ago. I remember sending both swaps in one box and you later telling me it arrived but from what I can see rating was not changed. A lot was going on in my life at that time. I had many swaps sadly I had to back out of but yours was one I did fulfill.
Response: Did you get the extra's I sent?
Response: Awww I am so happy she enjoyed them. I have a little boy so it was fun shopping for a girl!
Response: I am sorry that it was not correct postage. I didn't realize that it was not adequate as far as postage not my intent.
Response: awww thank you so much. It has been a struggle but I wake up each day with a positive attitude and remind myself that my Dad would not want me to go through life full of grief. I have my days were its tough but little by little I am learning to go on with life! I miss him like crazy and always will! Thank you for understanding !
Response: Oh sandy no need to thank me I wanted to do it. I am happy you liked them and enjoyed them!