Hearts ratings for Morrmie
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Response: Urwell, happy experimenting
Response: Thanks hope your wish Will come true too
Response: Enjoy the spice!
Response: Urwell i really enjoy this nothing
Response: Urwell happy to send you nothing
Response: Urwell, glad to hear that
Response: Urwell, Yeay can't wait to see your reply โฅ๏ธ
Response: Urwell, have a lovely week too
Response: Wonderful hope you like it
Response: Thank god the mail finally got you safely
Response: Urwell glad you like it
Response: Urwell, finally after that was long trip 5 month traveling, im resending once anyway, hope you recieve both
Response: Thanks glad you like it, yes i put special stamp its Indonesian pers freedom day version but i loved it cuz its looks like they sketch it
Response: Urwell, hope you can try it
Response: Urwell glad you like it
Response: Glad to hear that, my fave Ghibli movies is wishper of the heart
Response: Glad you love it, you should watch the animated one too its Japanese but you can easly find the eng dub or eng sub on YouTube
Response: Glad you loved it, what a pitty hope the tour would be re schedule in the future