Swap-bot Time: December 26, 2024 10:36 am

Ones ratings for JenPalm40

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glauren rated for QUICX-mas 50 sticker swap #41 on Jan 19, 2014
Comment: I sent you a message on 1/9/14 and 1/15/14 and have had no response.
Response: I am sorry. I just saw the one from the 9th, I did just respond tonight and I will put a trace on the pkg tomorrow. I am really sorry. I have just been out of the swap loop for a while. crazy stuff at home. I will get this fixed for you ok?:)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.0000 2 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
7 3 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 4 3 0

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