Swap-bot Time: December 27, 2024 8:08 pm

All ratings for HangSomeJoy

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Comment: I have unfortunately not received anything yet, but I will happily rerate once I do!
EmmaLouLoves rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #149 on Jul 9, 2019
Comment: To all that read this rating, know that Steph has not bee well and has been unable to send this swap, this is the only reason it's a '1' for nothing received, but there is no bad feeling at all. I hope you are feeling better Steph and that you login soon and see this message. Happy future swapping Em. x
jenn52732 rated for ..:: TEA KIT ::.. on Jun 22, 2019
Comment: Have not received yet. Will change my rating once I receive.
Vickyen rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #147 on Jun 4, 2019
Comment: Hi Steph! Thanks so much for the great share about your weekend! Aren't four day weekends the best? Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and hope the wedding is great fun! Thank you for the pcs! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Found your email!! So sorry for the delay, it was in the trash by accident :) Oh my gosh whale watching is amazing!! I was in Hawaii and got to see lots of baby humpback whales learning how to breach with their mothers. Highly recommend. And I had never heard of Toad in the Hole... learn something new every day! Thank you for your lovely answers. I really loved them! Cheers.
ariestess rated for Ask me anything! ~ e-swap #5 on May 25, 2019
Comment: Thanks for sharing! I've been whale watching in OR and WA. It's wonderful!
Response: Thanks for the rating. I really hope to go someday!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
2.7143 2 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
3 3 0 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 2 0 0

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